Monday, September 15, 2008

Trinny gets to grips with Susannah's wobbly bits as the uninhibited pair continue their tour

The last time the pair were on stage Trinny Woodall flashed her underwear at the audience.

But this time her co-host Susannah Constantine went a step further and showed off her bottom.

The self-proclaimed style gurus performed the revealing demonstration while promoting their magic knickers in Dublin.
Trinny Woodall

What not to reveal: Susannah shows off her bottom while demonstrating the effectiveness of control pants

Trinny Woodall

Trinny grabs Susannah's wobbly bits during a demonstration for their magic knickers in Dublin

Trinny grabbed at her pal’s bulging stomach before Susannah whipped off her tights and pulled on the slimming underwear on the final day of the Undress The Nation tour.

Last week the uninhibited television presenters both flashed their underwear during a guest appearance.
Trinny Woodall

Susannah pulls on the control parts as Trinny looks on

They then turned their attention to crowd, assessing the effectiveness of audience member's underwear with their usual trademark frankness.

The pair were taking part in a four-day fashion and beauty festival called Style In The City

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