Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Danny Cipriani takes Kelly Brook for a romantic night out

Rugby ace Danny Cipriani stepped out for a classy night out with Kelly Brook last night in central London.

Dressed in his best suit, with a tie, Danny, 20, took Kelly out to dinner at the ironically named restaurant Cipriani.

The couple then headed off to an arts bash at the Royal Academy.
Kelly Brook

I wanna hold your hand: Danny and Kelly cosy up on another night out just a day after he was photographed talking to a brunette Kelly Brook lookalike

Kelly Brook

Your car madam: Danny leads Kelly to their waiting car as he plays the perfect gent on a night out

Acting every inch the perfect gentleman, Danny held Kelly's hand as he led her out of the On/Off party at the Royal Academy to their waiting chauffeur-driven car.
Kelly Brook

Am I bothered: Kelly admires her new man's famously rugged physique as the pair share a tender moment in the back of a limo on the way home

Danny, who plays for London Wasps and England, was clearly out to impress Kelly, who is newly single following her split from actor Billy Zane.

Kelly herself was a picture of elegance, in a conservative tan and black dress, and was beaming away for the cameras.

She is said to be smitten with the 20-year-old star and the pair have been out on several dates since they met last Tuesday.

They are thought to have agreed to keep their relationship secret due to their age difference and the fact that Kelly has just come out of a high-profile relationship with 42-year-old Billy.

When asked about her love life on the BBC 1 chat show, Kelly said:

‘I haven’t had that many offers, I haven’t been out all that much.

'I’m open to meeting someone but I’m enjoying being single.'

Danny has previously dated Monica Irimia, of Romanian pop duo the Cheeky Girls, and model Larissa Summers.

Kelly ended the four-year relationship with her Hollywood beau Zane in an emotional phone call last month.

She is reported to have told friends there is 'no going back' on the split this time after a series of short-lived break-ups.

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