Monday, August 18, 2008

Geri Halliwell spices up her day with an early-morning sweat in California

Former spice girl Geri Halliwell showed just how she keeps her bikini body in shape when she stepped out for a gruelling power walk before breakfast.

The woman formerly known as Ginger Spice certainly put a little 'girl power' into her walk in California.

Sporting a 'just got out of bed' hairstyle, the mother-of-one worked up a sweat by pounding the tarmac before taking a call on her mobile phone.
Geri Halliwell

Geri Halliwell shows how she keeps her bikini body in shape with an early morning power walk

She then returned to her hotel to have breakfast on the patio with a mystery man.

Halliwell, who in the past has struggled with an eating disorder and fluctuating weight, recently posed for her first bikini photo shoot in seven years.

Despite looking toned and healthy, Halliwell confessed she still felt self-conscious about her body.

Geri Halliwell

A phonecall gives Geri a brief respite from her early-morning exercise session

The 36-year-old recently told Hello magazine: 'People think I'm really confident but I do get really self-conscious like many women about stripping off in public. I haven't been willingly photographed in a bikini for seven years - and I don't think I'll do it again.'
Geri Halliwell

Geri gave birth to her two-year-old daughter Bluebell Madonna in 2006.

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