Monday, August 18, 2008

Heather Mills gets to know her new furry friend

Heather Mills gained a new fan when she attended an awards ceremony for animal welfare.

Chewy the dog got up close and personal to Sir Paul McCartney's ex-wife after she was honoured at the 2008 Animal Rights National Conference.
Heather Mills

A new fan: Chewy seems unfazed by the woman trying to get his attention

Mills has been honoured with the Celebrity Animal Advocate Award in Washington DC by the organisation FARM (Farm Animal Rights Movement).

Mills made a donation of $50,000 and announced that she is planning to launch her own brand of vegan food - a project she plans to fund herself.

Heather Mills

Sniff: Although he wasn't too impressed with Heather's perfume

However she is refusing to reveal the name of her brand until its launch in October this year, which will also be followed by the opening of a chain of vegan fast food restaurants.

Mills met Sir Paul McCartney at a charity event in 1999, just a year after his wife Linda died from breast cancer.

He wed the former model in 2002 at the 17th century Castle Leslie in County Monaghan, Ireland.

Daughter Beatrice was born a year later but the couple announced their separation in 2006 initially blaming press intrusion.

Their ill-fated marriage came to an official end earlier this year and she was awarded £24.3million - a fifth of the sum she had been seeking originally.

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