Monday, August 18, 2008

Lily's dress flies in the wind as she struggles with her shopping

Lily Allen enjoys a spot of afternoon shopping just like everyone else.

But it looks as though the rebellious singer bit off more than she could chew - or should that be carry – while out enjoying some retail therapy on the Portobello Road in trendy Notting Hill.
Lily Allen

Going, going... gone: The bags fall while her dress rises

Lily Allen

Almost gone... Lily is loosing grip of her shopping bags

The 23-year-old struggled to carry her designer bags on Saturday afternoon and almost tripped over them in the middle of the road when an untimely gust blew her flimsy blue dress up in her own version of a Marilyn Monroe moment.

Luckily, she just managed to stop herself from tumbling over and saved her blushes by stopping her dress from rising higher.

Lily, who lives in the less trendy area of Kilburn, then collected her bags - and her thoughts by the look of it - and continued with her shopping extravaganza.
Lily Allen

Lean on me: Lily is a happy shopper

Lily Allen

What's so funny Lily? The singer almost loses it

The afternoon had started better for her as she relaxed while leaning on a tree and giggled during a conversation on her mobile.

At one point the singer, who spent most of the summer jetting around Europe, was in hysterics.

There's no denying her sense of humour, but perhaps Lily was buying some furnishings for her new home.

Following the success of her debut album Alright Still in 2007, Lily moved out of her mother’s North London home and bought her own place.
Lily Allen

Watch where you're going... Lily's still smiling as she crosses the road

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