Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Toned Gabriela shows Lembit what he's missing on a Cheeky holiday to Marbella

Less than a month after her break from Lembit Opik, Cheeky Girl Gabriela showed little sign of heartache as she took some time off to soak up the sun.

Gabriela made sure to show the MP what he was missing by showing off her toned physique in a skimpy bright bikini as she holidayed in Marbella with sister Monica.
Gabriela Irimia

Greatest hits: The Cheeky Girls show off their tans in Marbella on Sunday

The girls, who opted for different coloured bathing suits, didn't let the break get in the way of their fitness regime though, taking to the sand for a game of beach ball.

Later, the tanned twins, both 25, showed off their figures as they spent the better part of the afternoon sunbathing topless.

Gabriela and the Lib Dem's 43-year-old shadow secretary for housing are said to be taking a break after a two-year relationship, despite his attempts at winning her back.
Gabriela Irimia

Double act: The colourful twins stay fit with a game of beach ball

The girls' mother Margit told the Mail last month that Gabriela was on the verge of a 'nervous breakdown' and had been 'rushed' into the engagement with Lembit when she was still grieving for her grandmother, who had died two weeks previously.

Margit further revealed that Lembit had upset the family by ignoring Romanian traditions by failing to inform them of his intentions in proposing to her daughter.

Lembit refused to comment on reports that a tearful Gabriela dumped him following a series of rows.
Gabriela Irimia

Neon queens: The girls show off their cheeky form on holiday in Marbella

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