Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pa : First Look

Pa : First Look
Amitabh is playing the character of a person who is suffering from such a disease which makes him age at a very fast pace. He even start looking much older than his own father.

Pa : First Look
For the first time, Abhishek Bachchanwill be seen playing the role of Amitabh’s father in the movie.

Pa : First Look
The movie is being directed by Cheeni Kum fame R. Balakrishnan. Both Amitabh and Balakrishnan have tried their level best to keep Amitabh’s look under wraps.

Pa : First Look
Amitabh Bachchan has not actually gone bald for the movie. Its a very high quality mask he is wearing that makes him look really bald. In fact his head has been given a weird shape too to give the feel of the character suffering from the peculiar disease.

Pa : First Look
Movie also stars Vidya Balan opposite Abhishek Bachchan. Many parts of the movie has been shot in Delhi. In fact a metro train was specially hired for the some sequences. The movie is expected to hit the theaters by november

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