But Kate Hudson seems to embrace the process - and with good reason.
At 63 her mother Goldie Hawn is still as glossy, blonde and glowing as she was at half her age, and 30-year-old Kate appears to have inherited her good genes.

Mirror, mirror: Kate Hudson and Goldie Hawn's movements appear synchronised

Which one's yours? Kate is dating Yankees star Alex Rodriguez, who helped defeat the Boston Red Sox 5-0
The two could have been mistaken for sisters as they relaxed at a New York Yankees baseball game at the weekend.
Sitting either side of Goldie's long-term partner Kurt Russell, 58, who raised Kate as his daughter, they looked happy and at ease.
And in their matching white T-shirts and dark glasses it was hard to tell them apart.

Lucky Kurt: Actor enjoys the company of two blondes
It's not just her mother's good looks that Kate has inherited, but also her A-list career.
Unlike many celebrity offspring Kate is as high-profile as her actress mother, with the two both making their mark in romantic comedies.
They certainly seem to share a sense of humour, as they showed off their matching Hollywood smiles in fits of laughter yesterday.
Mother-of-one Kate is currently dating Yankees star Alex Rodriguez, 34, and has been frequently spotted supporting him from the stands.
Her mother was initially said to have discouraged the relationship, fearing Kate would get hurt. But if these photos are any indication, she is now offering her support.

Sister act: Kate and her mother sit either side of Kurt Russell to watch the Yankees play
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