Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Nicole Scherzinger at Fashion Rocks In Sarees

Nicole Scherzinger

We were thrilled to team up with the Pussycat Dolls and Bollywood designer Rocky S for this revolutionary moment in the East meets West fusion fashion. The DH! crew spent the day with the girls helping them get dolled up for Fashion Rocks which kicked off New York's Fashion Week. The sexy ladies warmed up to our crew and opened up to DH! viewers about their collaborations in India and their desire to represent Indian couture.

Being the first to break news about the Dolls in South Asian garments gave Desi Hits! the opportunity to snap the exclusive first shots of the girls in their hotel room before they hit the red carpet. The girls warmed up to the DH! staff and seemed more then happy to wear the garments. "It's a honor to wear a saree," commented lead Pussycat Nicole Scherzinger. These sarees are definitely not ones that you would see your average aunties in. One thing is for sure there is a lot less fabric! Get the lowdown even before it airs on national television! Check out the exclusive video footage below and keep it locked for video footage and more exclusive interviews and pictures.
Nicole Scherzinger

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