Saturday, September 13, 2008

Eva Longoria leaves the house without a scrap of make-up

Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria abandoned her high-maintenance look for a quiet evening out in Hollywood last night.

The actress, who is usually primped and preened, left the house without a lick of make-up, her neat bob scraped back into a ponytail.
Eva Longoria

Au naturel: Eva Longoria left the house last night without any make-up

Eva Longoria

The two faces of Eva: The Desperate Housewives star abandoned her high-maintenance look for her night out in Hollywood

She was dressed for comfort in a loose-fitting cotton dress and flat shoes, a departure from her usually glamorous wardrobe.

Eva denied persistent rumours she is pregnant with her first child this week, telling French reporters during a trip to Paris: 'I'm just fat.'
Eva Longoria

Dressed for comfort: The star, who says she's gaining weight for her television role, dressed down in a loose-fitting dress and flat shoes

The star says she's gaining weight for the upcoming season of the show, which picks up in the year 2013.

Her character, Gabrielle, is 'having a very tough time being the mother of two overweight, hyperactive children,' creator Marc Cherry explained recently.

'But Eva is having a marvellous time playing her!'

She has made no secret of her hopes to start a family with basketball star husband Tony Parker, saying last month: 'I can't wait!'

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